Call for Tutorials

ICONIP 2025 will host full-day or half-day tutorials on specific topics, including machine intelligence, computational neuroscience, and neural network applications. Tutorial speakers should be scientists or professionals with significant expertise.

Tutorial organizers can design their sessions independently from the main conference. Workshop and tutorials are scheduled in parallel for November 20 and 24, 2025, before and after the main conference days.

Proposal Guidelines

Please submit your proposal with the following information in a single PDF file by email to <> by May 1st, 2025. 

Full-day tutorials are expected to be 6 hours in length, and half-day tutorials are expected to be 3 hours in length.  Each proposal should be structured to include the following information

  1. Tutorial title
  2. Abstract (max. 300 words)
  3. Description and Outline:
    Please provide a proposed  timeline, including topics and speakers. For tutorial speakers, please include the name, affiliation, URL, and whether on-site participation upon acceptance is confirmed. Note that full-day tutorials are 6 hours, and half-day tutorials are 3 hours, respectively.
  4. Target Audience:
    Who is the target audience? What background do you expect attendees to have? How many participants do you expect?
  5. Organizers:
    Please provide the name, e-mail, and short biography of each organizer.
  6. Prior history (if any):
    If the tutorial (or a similar tutorial or session) has been presented elsewhere, please list the dates and venues, and describe the similarities and differences between the previous tutorial and the proposed tutorial.
  7. Tutorial website (if any):
    Organizers are encouraged to set up their own website to promote their event. The main conference website will have a URL link to the website. 
  8. Any other relevant information (if any)